
Sundays at 10:30am

9630 Kentucky Street

Jacksonville FL 32218

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Worship Gatherings

We gather Sundays at 10:30am for passionate worship and biblical preaching. We have children’s church for all ages!

Meals & Groups

Transformation takes place in a safe community where we can be vulnerable with people who love each other and love Jesus. Find your community today!

Online Giving

We are blessed by God so that we can be a blessing to others. Give a single gift, or schedule recurring giving using your checking account, debit, or credit card.

TheCity.church Vision

To glorify God as one church by planting unified congregations and discipling Covenant Owners.

Our Pastor

Luke & Crystal Benjamin

Luke and Crystal moved to Jacksonville in 2018 to pastor a church in the Highlands community on the Northside. Luke and Crystal have become deeply involved in their community and have developed a heart for the neighborhood as they attempt to connect the people in their community to the church and the love of God.

During that time, God provided an opportunity for their church to embark on a restart process including renovating the building and renaming/relaunching the church through partnership with TheCity.church.

Luke and Crystal’s prayer is that as they restart this congregation that God will work through them to usher in His presence and Kingdom on the Northside of Jacksonville.

Our Story